Latest Event:
Startup Drill Zagreb "10th April at 16:30 in Zagreb / Croatia"
Startup Drill Oslo "21st March at 8:30 in Oslo / Norway"

Lean Startup toolbox

Nakon kratkog ponavljanja o lean startupu, slijedi rad u timovima. Problem traži rješenje, a rješenje treba kupca. Tko su vaši potencijalni kupci i kako ćete ih pronaći?

Slijedeći Startup Drill Board naučiti ćete što to točno vaši korisnici žele. Board će vas voditi kroz postupak primjene lean startupa na vašu ideju i pomoći vam da napredujete.
Mentori su uz vas da vam u tome pomognu.

Uvod / Stvaranje timova

Nakon upoznavanja s pravilima Startup Drill-a i rasporeda, svi su spremni za problem pitch i stvaranje timova.  Sudionici će se spojiti u timove oko zajedničkog interesa da riješe problem.  Pripremi svoj pitch u trajanju od 45 sekundi u kojem ćeš objasniti zašto toliko strastveno želiš riješiti problem i motiviraj druge da ti se priključe.

U prosjeku, 43% sudionika pitcha problem, a  26% ih okupi tim. Na tebi je odluka želiš li iskoristiti maksimum iz Startup Drilla i postati startup founder na licu mjesta.

Registracija, upoznavanje i otvaranje

Registracija počinje u 16:30. Program u četvrtak počinje u 17h s upoznavanjem sudionika, svakako dođi na vrijeme. Sudionici Startup Drilla vrlo su zanimljivi raznolikih iskustava, interesa i planova, ali imaju jednu zajedničku stvar – želju za promjenom i napretkom. Proširi svoju mrežu poznanika, upoznaj potencijalne suradnike, kupce i stvori prijateljstva. I najvažnije – upoznaj buduće članove svog tima. Ukoliko trenutno nemaš želju za pitchanjem, ništa zato, možeš se pridružiti jednom od timova čiji problem i ti želiš strastveno riješiti.

Registrations, Introduction and Opening

Registrations open at 8:30am. Make sure that you are there on time. The program starts on at 9:00am with the networking. Participants of the Startup Drill are very interesting, with diverse experiences, interests and plans, but they have one thing in common – a desire for change and progress. Expand your network of acquaintances, meet potential co-workers, customers and friends. And most importantly meet others who might want to join your team. If you currently do not have a desire for pitching, never mind, you’ll join one of the teams whose problem you want passionately to solve.

Intro / Keynote / Team-forming

Program startups with a detailed introduction to Startup Drill rules and schedule.
After the introduction, everyone is ready for the Problem Pitch and formation of teams. Teams will be formed around the problem, so prepare your pitch so you will explain in 45 seconds why do you want to solve that specific problem so passionately.
On average, 43% of participants pitch the problem and 26% manage to form a team. It is your decision if you want to use the full potential of Startup Drill and become a startup founder on the spot.

Lean Startup toolbox

A brief introduction to Lean Startup will be given, followed by practical (hands-on) work in teams. The problem needs a solution and the solution needs a customer. Who are your potential customers and how will you find them? This is your first reality check.
You will learn how to build what customers want simply by following the Startup Drill Board. The Board will guide you through the process of applying Lean Startup to your idea, and help you make fast decisions and progress. Mentors are here to support you on your journey.